Environment policy
We have adopted an EHS and sustainability policy that is aimed at complying with legislative requirements, requirements of our licenses, approvals, various certifications and ensuring the safety of our employees and the personnel working at our facilities or under our management. Most of our manufacturing facilities are ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems) and 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems) certified.
Environmental Matters
We are subject to extensive environmental laws and regulations, including regulations relating to the prevention and control of water pollution and air pollution, environmental protection, hazardous waste management and noise pollution, in relation to our manufacturing plants and R&D centers. These laws and regulations govern the discharge, emission, storage, handling and disposal of a variety of substances that may be used in or result from our operations.
Health and Safety
We estimate that accidents and occupational health hazards can be significantly reduced through a systematic analysis and control of risks and by providing appropriate training to our management, employees and contractors.
We aim to continually improve our health and safety management system and its performance by setting documented objectives and targets of occupational health and safety aspects. We seek to identify the hazards and occupational health risks that our operations are exposed to, and subsequently implement preventive measures through a combination of technical, organizational and personal safety measures. We carry out facility-level risk assessments that are periodically updated. We conduct training and awareness programs for occupational health and safety of employees and carry out safety audits, review meetings by the central safety committee and periodic employee safety meetings.