Delhi-based pharmaceutical company Mankind Pharma was suffering from the challenges of an enterprisewide SAP implementation. The organization was undergoing a SAP deployment at 55 carrying and forwarding agency (C&F) locations scattered across the country and a standard SAP deployment entailed comprehensive training of C&F users. But the geographically-dispersed location of its C&Fs; threatened to paralyze the process.
To address the issue, Mankind explored the idea of creating a completely customized, user-friendly solution, which could provide the company with all the benefits of an ERP–with minimal training. In keeping with this imperative, Vineet Bansal, GM-IT-SAP, Mankind Pharma, developed customized interfaces which were similar to the company’s legacy application, thereby easing the learning curve for users. The interfaces are easily comprehensible and aligned to various business processes, he says. Since the project required a high degree of customization, Bansal executed several tests with actual users to make it bug free. Post-implementation, the lead time to process orders has come down from 8-10 minutes to one-two minutes.